2018-02-24 15:59
@JFinal 詹总,还想请教一个问题,比如:
public class Sys_Function extends Model{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final Sys_Function dao = new Sys_Function();
public Sys_Function() {
tableName = "sys_function";
private List children = new ArrayList();
public List getChildren() {
return children;
public void setChildren(List children) {
this.children = children;
在Controller 控制器
List menu= 数据库查询出来的数据,也赋值children了
setAttr("menu", menu);
2018-02-24 13:35
@JFinal 詹总,请问一下,为啥find(sql, arg)这样用查询的list数据为空,sql: select * from sys_function where parent=? and del=? and id in(?) order by sort,在数据库里是查询出数据的,是不是这个find(String sql,Object... arg)方法存在bug呀