/** * 描述: * * @param exprList * @author * @created 2017年7月7日 下午2:57:23 * @see Directive#setExprList(ExprList) */ public void setExprList(ExprList exprList) { if (exprList.length() == 1) { Expr expr = exprList.getExpr(0); if (expr instanceof Const && ((Const) expr).isInt()) { index = ((Const) expr).getInt(); if (index < 0) { throw new ParseException("The index of para array must greater than -1", location); } } } this.exprList = exprList; }
@Override public void exec(Env env, Scope scope, com.jfinal.template.io.Writer writer) { SqlPara sqlPara = (SqlPara) scope.get("_SQL_PARA_"); if (sqlPara == null) { throw new TemplateException("#paraIn invoked by getSqlPara(...) method only", location); } StringBuffer inPlaceholder = new StringBuffer(); String valueStr = ""; if (index == -1) { Expr[] exprArray = exprList.getExprArray(); Object ret = null; for (Expr expr : exprArray) { boolean hasPara = scope.getData().containsKey(expr.toString()); if (hasPara) { ret = expr.eval(scope); if (ret == null) {//in类的参数值不可为空 throw new TemplateException( "The value of parameter '" + expr.toString() + "' must not be null", location); } } else {//没有传参数抛异常 throw new TemplateException( "The parameter '" + expr.toString() + "' must be define", location); } } valueStr = String.valueOf(ret); // sqlPara.addPara(exprList.eval(scope)); } else { Object[] paras = (Object[]) scope.get("_PARA_ARRAY_"); if (paras == null) { throw new TemplateException( "The #paraIn(" + index + ") directive must invoked by getSqlPara(String, Object...) method", location); } if (index >= paras.length) { throw new TemplateException("The index of #paraIn directive is out of bounds: " + index, location); } valueStr = String.valueOf(paras[index]); // sqlPara.addPara(paras[index]); } Object[] retArrray = valueStr.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < retArrray.length; i++) { inPlaceholder.append("?"); if (i != retArrray.length - 1) { inPlaceholder.append(","); } sqlPara.addPara(retArrray[i]); } write(writer, inPlaceholder.toString()); }
@chcode 谢谢回复指点: List list=new ArrayList<>(); list.add("a"); list.add("b"); Kv kv=Kv.by("list",list); Db.template("sqlkey",kv); 模版: select * from test where a #@in(list)
#for(stt : x.value)
#(for.index > 0 ? "," : "") #para(stt)