Redis已在AppConfig中配置好, 在Controller中使用没有问题, 使用方法中在类中加入静态变量,如下:
public class Api4YMLPWController extends ApiController { private static final Log log = Log.getLog(wxaApiController.class); private Cache redis = Redis.use(); public void index(){ HashMap re = redis.get("xxx"); //正常 .....
但是, 在Model中, 这样使用就会出现redis为空, 只能在各个方法中引入,如下:
public class Category extends Model<Category> { public static final Category dao = new Category().dao(); //private static Cache redis = Redis.use(); Cache在这里定义,在方法中引用时为null public Record findByTag(int cid, String tag){ Cache redis = Redis.use(); // Cache必须在方法中定义才能正常get Record category = redis.get(tag+cid); if(category==null){ category=Db.findFirst("select * from Category where _deleted_ is null and cid=? and tag=?", cid, tag); if(category!=null) redis.setex(tag + cid, 60, category); } return category; } ...