#sql("listForDoctor") select o.*,b.member_name,b.header, (select content from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id asc limit 1) as first_content from t_qanswers_order o left join t_member b on o.member_id=b.id #for(x : cond) #(for.index == 0 ? "where": "and") #if(x.key=="status") o.status in (5,6) #else if(x.key=="newStatus") (o.status=1 or (o.status=4 and (select type_code from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id desc limit 1)='MEMBER' )) #else if(x.key=="goingStatus") o.status=4 and (select type_code from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id desc limit 1) ='DOCTOR' #else #(x.key) #para(x.value) #end #end order by o.id desc #end 执行代码如下 select o.*,b.member_name,b.header, (select content from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id asc limit 1) as first_content from t_qanswers_order o left join t_member b on o.member_id=b.id where o.doctor_id=200207023 and o.status=4 and (select type_code from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id desc limit 1)='DOCTOR' order by o.id desc 该条件无效 (select type_code from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id desc limit 1)='DOCTOR' 不知道如何解决了,看到的朋友帮忙解答一下 workbench 下运行结果和项目结果对比
select o.*,b.member_name,b.header,
(select content from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id asc limit 1) as first_content
from t_qanswers_order o
left join t_member b on o.member_id=b.id
o.doctor_id=? and
and (select type_code='DOCTOR' from t_qanswers_communication where qanswer_id=o.id ORDER BY id desc limit 1) =true)
order by o.id desc
paralist size = 1
jfinal 的 arp ,并不会去干涉及 sql 的执行,是直接扔给 jdbc 去执行的