public void commentList() { int pageNumber = getParaToInt("p", 1); int homeId = getParaToInt("home_id", 0); int type = getParaToInt("type", 0); String where = " FROM t_user u , t_comment c WHERE = c.uid AND c.home_id = ? and c.status = 1 AND c.`type` = ? ORDER BY c.create_date DESC"; String findsql = " SELECT u.avatar,u.username, c.* " + where; String totalsql = " SELECT COUNT(*) " + where; Page<Record> recordPage = Db.paginateByFullSql(pageNumber, pageSize, totalsql, findsql, homeId, type); renderJson(success(recordPage)); }
问题:Db无法调用 paginateByFullSql方法,找不到该方法